Veronika is a young woman who has the same dreams and desires that any person of his age. She's pretty, has a good job and

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Told from their experience personal Paulo Coelho takes us to the micro world of an insane asylum where the protagonist, after a suicide attempt, reevaluated his life and is enjoying his last days. This is the story of those who, for whatever reason, do not follow the path of what is normal and they feel obliged to find a new way, as those who seek to escape a humdrum life and try to fulfill their dreams usually are considered fools and those who accept such an imposition and do what I recommend most people are considered normal. The story revolves around the many stories that are inside the insane asylum, the different diseases trying to explain from the disease itself, as if the patients themselves narrate. It also draws on research from the asylum director, who is preparing a doctoral thesis on the "vitriol", the substance that causes the bitterness ... Although this novel may seem to you sad is not a drama, the end sure that you like and do not odiareis the world as much as at first, because Veronika (or rather, Paulo Coelho) at any time you spread your thinking with arguments great weight, totally unquestionable that will give you many times around the head and you end up realizing that you are absolutely right.
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