In any love story there is always something that brings us closer to eternity and the essence of life, for love stories contain within itself all the secrets of the world. But what happens when shyness sacrifices a puppy love? And what happens when, after eleven years, the destination makes a woman rediscover her beloved? To her, life has taught him to be strong and control his feelings. To him who has the gift of healing, religion has served as a refuge from their inner conflicts. But the two are united by one desire: to fulfill your dreams. The road will have to cross is rough, and the guilt almost insurmountable obstacle. However it was the River Piedra, in a village in the Pyrenees, where both find their own truth. reason. After eleven years, a woman is reunited with her beloved. The last time they met they were still teenagers. Today, life has taken on very different: she lives in Zaragoza, preparing for competitive exams and has learned to control his feelings. He has traveled around the world, possesses the gift of healing and religion has found a refuge from their inner conflicts. But the reunion, join both the one desire: to fulfill your dreams. By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept is a novel about love and the essence of life, for love stories contain within itself all the secrets of the world.
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Paulo Coelho tells the story of how Pilar, a woman who had everything in its Plan your life suddenly is faced with the dilemma of whether to continue or stop, when he meets his friend and first love of children. He, with a philosophy of life, totally different from hers, he will gradually come to learn, to allow for errors and see that life is a matter of "total surrender." But above all, teaches Pilar, and all of us that fears are overcome, and that nothing in this world that can not be overcome. Furthermore, God does not give us anything on our shoulders not

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