blog In 's Corner of the magazine stories I donate , Cecilia Frías focuses on Papa Bear's Eudave Cecilia and James Muniz .

Little Ana was not happy: he had a family and a cute puppy, but without realizing his father was becoming a grouchy and grumpy bear . As he was unhappy in his work was spreading bitterness to anyone who lived next to him and each day seemed "more and less person bear."
not appreciated the good reports from the small and appreciated the efforts of mother to cook delicious dishes. When Anne found out that this radical change (because, yes friends, once was a man playing with his daughter and even took her to the movies) was because of Mr. Stress decided take action on the matter and prosecute the happy character that had haunted his father. However, no plan, no strategic trap was used to catch it. Both looked for the poor that caused the odd mess in the house. Then Papa Bear enraged to the point where the little girl came crying that he could not stop in days. The doctor made it clear to his worried parents that Anna was a prisoner of stress, and as if he had uttered the magic words, small tears ceased to cry triumphantly: "I found, I found it ... now that I have it (Mr. Stress ) shall cease to bear dad. " Not
portray each complex simple mood but Jacobo Muñiz illustrations make it easy to the difficult, outlining texture collages with these complex feelings .
goes without saying that the father was collapsed to his own selfishness and for the first time he was able to look in the mirror. Let us hope that this profound book will serve as a reminder to subdue the bear grumpy than any we can hover in this chaotic life we \u200b\u200blead. Cecilia Frías
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