Friday, September 18, 2009

Pandora Media Stock Ticker?

By a law of democracy

the undersigned support the Communication Services Act Audiovisual because we understand that the current concentration of media in the hands of private monopolies curtails the right to information in our society, subduing one of the most important achievements and collective democracy, like freedom of expression, on behalf of defend their interests. We also understand that the binary does not serve to advance a productive discussion of this fundamental law, because it is a law that will transcend the same actors in the dispute. Neither the government nor the opposition nor the monopoly firms have the same responsibilities, face a growing social demand for reform of the audiovisual media.

For beyond the context in which the debate takes place, caused in part by the interests that affect the bill, it is unacceptable that follow audiovisual communication governed by a law that imposed under the dictatorship, now has among its advocates to entities such as ARPA and ATA, which at that time were part of the enforcement authority, and now pride themselves on behalf of "freedom."

Because is necessary to incorporate as many people as possible, through intermediary organizations, the media management and its contents, and that the State guarantees greater plurality, through institutional channels protected by the Constitution and not through the economic interests of individuals who, on behalf of freedom of expression, unregulated use their market share to manipulate the information for purposes to preserve its economic and political power.

In that sense, we understand the draft Law on Audiovisual Communication Services as an historic opportunity to strengthen democracy, both in terms of its institutions and the possibilities of participation.
demonopolize improves the quality of democratic life because it prevents a single actor determines the agenda of the public conversation also freeing workers from the media monopoly of the clutches of a single employer. turn democracy is not possible if the powers that it emerges not guarantee a plurality of real voices, that accounts for the polyphony of a society that requires the participation of all actors. Freedom of expression understood as public participation of society, of a State which does, not as a construction business communications and agreements are made behind closed doors. A law that ensures greater transparency in the production and circulation of content, that the law gave us the dictatorship and still suffer.

This Act Audiovisual Communication Services is a Law of Democracy, the result of two decades of discussions, held forums, national universities and public welfare organizations who understand the right to free information, plural and independent as a step in improving the quality of institutions and political society. A 26 years after the end of the civil-military dictatorship, there is a need to revalue the freedom of expression on behalf of collective interests. A law to open the possibility of converting the information into a public good and not in a business that has been shown to respond not only to the oft free enterprise, but the imposition own policies and agendas of market totalitarianism is based on misinformation and manipulation of a right acquired by the society as a whole.

Mariano Abrevaya God - Karina Arellano - Martin Navy - Mario Arteca - Eduardo Blaustein - Leopoldo Brizuela - Sonia Budassi - Mariano Canal - Alejandro Caravario - Fabian Casas - Natalia Castex - Pablo Chacón - Maria del Carmen Colombo - John Desiderio - Lucia De Gennaro - Cecilia Di Gioia - Gabriel Di Meglio - Cecilia Diaz - Ricardo God - Elsa Drucaroff - Mariana Enriquez - Patricio Erb - Horacio Fiebelkorn - Daniel Freidemberg - Romina Freschi - Martin Gambarotta - Griselda Garcia - Alicia Genovese - Mercedes Halfon - Mariano Hamilton - Sebastian Hernaiz - Alejandro Horowicz - Claudio Iglesias - Juan Diego Incardona - Alfredo Jaramillo - Gerardo Jorge - Paul Katchadjian - Violet Kesselman - Marina Kogan - Angela Lerena - Alejandro Lingenti - Joaquín Linne - Pablo Llonto - Gustavo López - Marina Mariasch - Fabio Mauri - Alejandro Mendez - Sebastian Mignogna - Ignacio Molina - Sebastian Morphs - Clara Muschietti - Fernanda Nicolini - Adrian Paenza - Paula Peyseré - Fred Stone - Sol Prieto - Sergio Raimondi - Damian Rios - Ana Laura Rivara - Martín Rodríguez - María Laura Romano - Alejandro Rubio - Diego Sanchez - Stephen Schmidt - Federico Scigliano - Sebastian Scigliano - Alejandro Sehtman - Damian Selci - Monica Sifrim - John Terranova - Hernán Vanoli - Diego Vecino - Noel Vera - Gabriela Vulcano - Alexander Wall - Claudio Zeiger


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