"Courage is not absence of fear, but rather to consider that what we want to achieve is more important than the fear we feel"
And that is what love.
releasing fears and let go to make way for all that we desire in life. And to go in search of what love must be open to change.
Life is an endless choice and the deepest desires that reside in our hearts are there to be made.
always at risk, but is part of the story that called life.
We can not avoid punishment or pain, if we can avoid staying tied to a penalty.
Pain is not trying, the penalty is not leaving everything we had to give that love we profess.
When someone you really love your port sail away without looking at what you left behind because what awaits you there, below is what will make you happy is what you have chosen and which are willing to bet, but you have to love deeply to be entirely
And when one loves, loves life and that life is expressed in every smile you give us, in the warmth they give us those arms in a deep embrace.
life expressed in the one we love and is there waiting for the explore, so that we do of our dreams, to discover and love as it is.
No matter how we walk, we walk matter if you love deep scars on the other.
played by what we love dignified life, love gives us dignity, love makes us whole and how nice it is to feel vulnerable when you love .... because then it means you loosen up your sails and you have given yourself body and soul, strip you of your fears and embrace the love.
When you love ... then laugh, then you crave, to embrace life, even cry, cry absences, cry caresses, cry your requirements, need to see, to feel, to be with the other.
love is crying because love covers everything, even the deepest pain contains in itself a very deep love.
not hurt what is lost if you have not loved before.
That is life, live fully every feeling, not mere spectators but to be protagonists of what we have chosen to love. And
at risk, but worth it if any run if you look back you see two pairs of footprints made by walking, and feel fully knowing that you've loved and been loved.
Author Unknown
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» Notebooks AMD Athlon about who was faster. To settle the argument, decided to run a race. chose a route and started the competition. The rabbit started at full speed and ran briskly for some time. Then, seeing that was far ahead, decided to sit under a tree to rest, recuperate and then continue his journey. But he soon fell asleep. The turtle, who walked with slow, caught the beat and finished first, declared outright winner.
Moral: The slow and steady wins the race. But the story does not end here: The hare was disappointed after have lost, made an examination of conscience and acknowledged his mistakes. He discovered he had lost the race to be smug and careless. If I had not given so much to alleged, had never won. Then he challenged the tortoise to a new competition. This time, the hare ran from start to finish and his triumph was evident. Moral: The rapid and persistent due to the slow and stable. But the story does not end there: After being defeated, the turtle thought carefully and concluded that there was no way to beat the hare in speed. As the race was raised, she would always lose. Therefore, again challenged the hare, but proposed to run on a slightly different route. The hare agreed and ran at full speed, until he met on his way to a wide river. While the hare, who could not swim, he asked "what do I do now?", The turtle swam to the opposite bank, continued on its way and finished in first place. Moral: Who identify your competitive advantage (to swim) and change the environment to take advantage, they come first. But the story does not end here: The time passed and shared both the hare and the tortoise, who eventually becoming good friends. Both recognized they were good competitors and decided to repeat the last race, but this time running as a team.
In the first part, the hare carried the tortoise till the river reach. There, the tortoise crossed the river with the rabbit on its back and on the opposite bank charged back to the hare the tortoise to the finish. As they reached the finish line in record time, they felt a greater satisfaction than that which they experienced in their individual achievements. Moral: is good to be individually brilliant and have strong personal skills. But unless we are able to work with other people and enhance each other's skills each will not be fully effective. will always be situations in which we are not ready and that other people can cope better. The hare and the tortoise also learned another vital lesson: When we stop competing against a rival and began to compete against a situation, their capabilities, we compensate defects, we leverage our resources ... and get better results! "To be successful you do not have to do extraordinary things. Do ordinary things extraordinarily well." Author Unknown
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" Notebooks
AMD Athlon In a hot summer day in south Florida a child decided to go swimming in the pond behind his house. Ran out the back door, jumped in the water and swam happy. did not realize that a crocodile approached. His mother from the house looking out the window, and saw with horror what was happening. Then he ran to his son screaming as loud as he could. hearing him, the boy looked alarmed and swam toward her mother. But it was too late. From the pier the mother grabbed the boy by his arms just as the alligator grabbed his legs. She pulled determined with all the strength of his heart. The crocodile was stronger, but the mother was much more passionate and love never left. A man who heard the screams rushed to the scene with a gun and killed the crocodile. The child survived, but his legs were pretty, yet was able to walk. When he left the trauma, a reporter asked the boy if he wanted to show the scars on his feet. The boy raised his blanket and showed them. But then, with great pride roll up their sleeves and pointing to scars on his arms he said: "But you should see is this." Marks were the fingernails of his mother who had pushed hard. "I have them because mom will not let me and saved my life." We also have the scars of a painful past. Some are caused by our sins but some are the traces of God that has sustained us hard to not fall into the clutches of evil. Remember that if you ever have hurt the soul, it is because God has you gripped too hard to not fall. See other self-help message here: http://buena-onda.tus-links.com.ar
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Audio Home cassettera Sinto Amplifiers Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. The most wonderful adventure is filled with dreams our lives, if not to make each time something as unusual as it may seem a dream when you remember. When the determination to succeed is strong enough, the failure, you'll never reach. Love is sweet though, always tends to sour but if you mix it with wisdom and maturity will be a love for life .
In this life all roll ... no matter what you do not want done to yourself. Dream what you want to dream go where you go is what you want to be because you have only one opportunity to do everything you want to do. who seeks a friend without faults, will be alone forever. If you see someone without a smile, give one of yours That he has faith but find success where many fail. The joy starts at the same time CIESAS finding your own happiness and pursue others. who humiliates you and makes you feel less is reflecting on you its own insecurities. The big difference between the material and the spiritual, material that has a time value, momentarily while the spiritual has a value infinity. can go as far as your dreams take you Be patient with everyone, but especially yourself. There are plenty of beautiful days still come, the last step ... but tomorrow will last forever.
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