... There is no doubt that there are vampires, some of us have evidence of it. Even though we did not have a test on our own unhappy experience, information and past data provide sufficient evidence. I admit I was skeptical at first. If it were not for through long years I have trained to have an open mind, would not have believed until reached by the
time when the facts hit in my ear: "Look! Look! We tried, we're testing." However, if I had known at the beginning what I know now - if only I had suspected ---, a beautiful life for all who wanted it had not been lost. But it is hopeless and we must now work to other souls perish not, we can save. The nosferatu do not die like the bee that has been punched once. It only makes you stronger, and inherently has more power for evil. The vampire is as a person among us is stronger than twenty men, her craft is much higher than that of mortals because it is a trick that is growing through the centuries, has the support of necromancy that is, as implied by the etymology of the word, divination by death, and all the dead that can come under their command, is a beast rather than a beast of a demonic cruelty and has no heart, may, without limitation, appearing at will wherever and whenever and in whatever form you choose. It may, in its area of \u200b\u200baction, control the elements: the storm, fog, thunder, has power over the nastiest things: the rat, the owl and the bat, the moth and the fox, and wolf can grow or reduce its size and may sometimes desvanescerse and appear without being seen. So how could we begin our fight to destroy? How can we discover where he is, and if we find it, how to destroy? Dear friends, the company that we will take is too terrible and can have consequences that would shake the bravest. Because if we lose in our efforts, means that he has won, and then what awaits us? Life is not so important to me and I do not mind losing! But failure is not just a matter of life or death. But we become like him that we would become horrible creatures of the night, like him, without heart or conscience, making prey on the bodies and souls of those we love most. We are forever shut the gates of heaven, for who we was going to reopen? Would still be hated by all, as a stain on the brightness of God's face, an arrow on the side of Him who died for man. But we are face to face with our duty, can we leave here? For my part, I say no, but I am old, and life, with its bright, pleasant place, with birds singing, music and love, has been a little behind. But you are young. Some of you have seen great sorrow, but there are still beautiful days in your future. "... Bram Stoker
............................................. .................................................. .................. Bram Stoker's Dracula, is by far the best horror novel I've read. An indisputable classic of world literature. There are thousands of novels and films of Dracula, only to read this novel, one can say who really knows who is the Count.
Of course we all know of the existence of this character, but it is undeniable the amount of material buried in this book, material that thrills, intrigue, amaze and make us really believe that this "man" there. While the end is known to everyone final pages are read with great interest, so anxious and with a strong feeling of euphoria that only a great talent as Stoker can generate. not enough to recommend Stoker's masterpiece. The impatient reader may find sections that move more slowly than desired, but such lulls are then erupted in sudden spurts of activity and drama. These pages contain an infinite ocean of emotions. I do not think anyone can tell me that does not like this novel, is simply amazing, the story is really fascinating.